Thoughts and Reflections of a Beautiful Soul

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Love, Life & Relationships

In relationships we tend to choose who we want and fail to consult God first, than we wonder why it doesn't work, God created you to be in healthy relationships, but He didn’t create you to be alone, that’s why it is important to find someone that you spiritually connect to, because God doesn’t want you out there by yourself. We should never put a man or woman on a pedestal where God should be, that will lead to nothing but failure and a broken heart. What most people fail to realize is that God is a jealous God and He should always be at the highest priority in your life and relationships. Any choice that you choose to make, that is not Gods choice for you is a poor choice. Love should never be rushed...true love awaits those who have patient souls and if God joins two souls together, He will never let that love perish.

Every person comes in your life for a purpose, but it may not be for you, it may be for them, that is why it is necessary to evaluate all your relationships. Evaluate who you are dating, family members and friends. It’s best to surround yourself around positive people and things. If you are having difficulty loving or relating to an individual, take him to God. Bother the Lord with this person. Don't you be bothered with them and leave them at the throne. It’s only so much you can say to or do for a person, but you can’t change them, God only has that power. Never under estimate the power of prayer; it has the power to move mountains, therefore be humble and faithful in your prayers, with a sincere heart and pray for that person.

One thing I learned in my walk was that if they are not receptive to what God is giving you to say to them, then don't keep forcing it. You have to love them enough to let God deal with them how he wants, even though it can be painful to watch. God can use you to speak into their life, but if they are not ready to receive it, it won't matter. If they are not ready to listen to God about it, they certainly shouldn't be listening to you. I feel that people should take certain steps to heal, before you try to get deep with someone. You have to learn to love yourself enough to know who you should keep in your life and stop making excuses for people.


1 comment:

  1. This blog is a true statement Becca..God does the choosing. We only mess it up when we choose our own way over God's. Love this!



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